Day 13:
Bag 13 today! Today we started on floor one of Flourish & Blotts; the interfloor fascia is complete with an overhanging lip and outside of the build-up of the walls, the majority of this bag focuses on the interior. There’s another bookcase, a book stack, a spellbook, lamp and an interior ‘Flourish & Blotts’ wall sign. We also have a gated balcony to stop anyone falling to their doom.
I really love how homely LEGO make their interiors and with these not being full-size modulars, it actually makes it feel a little more snug and cosy. It’s amazing just how much detail you can get into a small space.
Today’s minifigure is a special one as we have Harry Potter himself (complete with Hogwarts attire).
Tomorrow’s bag will complete this particular building – make sure you join us to see how it looks.
Check out today’s speed-build video, below!