Day 14: Bag 14 today! The roof goes on to both shops today; love the sloping back of Flourish & Blotts, juxtaposed with the dark brown of Fortesques. There are some lovely little accents that finish off the build, too, including a mini seating motif on the roof of Fortesques, white chairs with white horn […]
Flourish & Blotts
ToysWorld LEGO Advent Challenge – Day 13 (13th December 2020)
Day 13: Bag 13 today! Today we started on floor one of Flourish & Blotts; the interfloor fascia is complete with an overhanging lip and outside of the build-up of the walls, the majority of this bag focuses on the interior. There’s another bookcase, a book stack, a spellbook, lamp and an interior ‘Flourish & […]
ToysWorld LEGO Advent Challenge – Day 12 (12th December 2020)
Day 12: Bag 12 today! Today sees the addition of the shop fascias for Flourish & Blotts and Fortesques. I particularly love the angled fascias on the former! Possibly my favourite part of today’s build are the book racks outside Flourish & Blotts; anyone who has explored the backstreets of London’s St. Martin’s Lane, will […]
ToysWorld LEGO Advent Challenge – Day 11 (11th December 2020)
Day 11: Bag 11 today! Work continues on Flourish & Blotts and Fortesque with the bright yellow shop front of the Fortesques now beginning to take shape. One of our favourite parts of today’s build is the bookcase that slots into the corner of Flourish & Blotts; it’s actually a little complex with the connective […]
ToysWorld LEGO Advent Challenge – Day 10 (10th December 2020)
Day 10: Bag 10 today! We are officially at the halfway point of the challenge! I’ve never produced a series of daily videos before, and whilst it is challenging and time consuming, it has been a rather enjoyable experience. Having a way to follow and record this challenge and be present in the whole process, […]