LEGO + Achieving Hygge In The Home

What is Hygge (pronounced ‘hooga’)? Well, according to the dictionary, Hygge is:

“the quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture)”.

Perhaps this is why we all love Christmas so much! – woulnd’t it be great if we could somehow replicate that warm, cozy feeling throughout the year?

Well… LEGO have partnered with Hygge expert and best-selling Danish author Meik Wiking to provide the top 10 tips on how you can achieve Hygge from the comfort of home this winter and how it can help to boost your mood.

Check out the Top 10 tips, below:

1) Write down or take turns sharing things you are grateful for
Hygge is about making the most of what we have in abundance: the everyday. Whether you’re appreciating the bright sky outside, your morning coffee, or simply being cosy on the sofa – take time to enjoy these moments.

2) Plan for some quality time with your loved ones this weekend
First and foremost, hygge is about an atmosphere – about creating a shared moment of connection and togetherness. Hygge is about spending quality time with friends and families. About letting our guard down and connecting with our loved ones.

3) Work together as a family
Hygge means putting cooperation over competition. We are all on the same side – and when we work together – we will all be better off. Trust and cooperation are the cornerstones of happy societies – big and small.

4) Create the perfect night in with your own Hygge kit
Hygge is often seen as the perfect night in. As we’re spending a lot of time indoors at the moment – it is time to be getting hygge with it! Let the stew simmer for hours and bring out the books, some LEGO bricks and enjoy some family building time. 98% of children say that playing as a family makes them very happy.

5) Build shelter this winter
It´s time for hygge hibernation. For Danes, hygge happens throughout the year – but is perhaps more needed during winter. It is about finding shelter and comfort inside when the winter darkness descends. When it is cold, stormy and dark outside it is high time for hygge.

6) Be present
Hygge is about being present – and not making other people feel that you are really somewhere else. Try to put your digital devices to one side so you can immerse yourself fully into Hygge!

7) Cook up a slow roast storm
When it comes to cooking. the rule of thumb is: the longer a dish takes to cook, the more hyggelig it is. Think slow roast or stews and sourdoughs. Hygge is about enjoying the journey. Start cooking mid-afternoon –and allow your dinner to roast or simmer for a couple of hours – while you have some down time to relax before dinner is ready.

8) Face to face time is key
Sitting side by side facing the television has its limits – we need actual facetime to connect. Make sure you have family activities where you face each other. If living alone or if you are socially isolating digital tools like Facetime or Skype are a good substitute.

9) Make time to play – whatever your age
Remember you don´t stop playing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop playing. 91% of children say that play makes their parents very happy.

10) Slow down & enjoy
Hygge is about relaxing and taking things slow. For instance, søndagshygge – Sunday Hygge – is about having a slow Sunday with tea, books, music, blankets and perhaps the occasional walk if things go crazy. Embrace the slowness of these times. Happiness is easier found at home than on distant shores.

LEGO Play Agent David Pallash has also created the following Hygge inspired LEGO builds to give us all some much-needed inspiration!


You can also check out a whole section on Hygge on the LEGO website, here!

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