ToysWorld recently had the opportunity to review the latest Jurassic Park vehicles from Jada toys. Check out the video below for the 1:24 scale, 1:32 scale and Remote Control vehicles.
ToysWorld recently had the opportunity to review the latest Jurassic Park vehicles from Jada toys. Check out the video below for the 1:24 scale, 1:32 scale and Remote Control vehicles.
Manufacturer: Nintendo RRP: From £279.99 Ages: From PEGI 3+ Release Date: 3rd March 2017 Ever given up on a game because you didn’t have enough time to play? The Nintendo Switch system can transform to suit your situation, so you can play the games you want, no matter how busy life may be. It’s an era where you don’t […]
To celebrate Star Wars Day, ToysWorld have put together a fun little video to celebrate! Enjoy, and remember… #MayThe4thBeWithYou! 🙂 + SUBSCRIBE to ToysWorld on YouTube! + Like ToysWorld on Facebook! + Follow ToysWorld on Twitter! + Follow ToysWorld on Instagram!